Sever intermittently stops responding to requests, Progress color resets to 'PaleGreen'

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Sever intermittently stops responding to requests, Progress color resets to 'PaleGreen'

Post by youda »

The save button usually reads "Save (0)" but lately it has had relatively high numbers like "Save (13)", "Save (8)", etc. and counting. Looking at the "Network" panel of Chrome's developer tools, a lot of the "ProcessAnswers" and other requests like "LoadMoreQuestions" and "LoadCompareData" are stuck in "Pending" state. Sometimes after a while, they resume loading again and all of the "pending" requests start completing in order. The page can't be reloaded when things are "stuck" like this.

When "LoadMoreQuestions" doesn't complete in time there is no next question and I have to reload the page, after waiting for the server to start responding again.

Speaking of reloading, the progress keeps resetting to 1/1 again, despite my LatestRun, TotalPlays, and TimeSpent all being remembered and being sent in "ProcessAnswers". For some reason only the "right/wrong", the percentage bar, and the circle with PaleGreen.png etc. get reset. Oh, and the color of the days in the calendar seems to be stuck on PaleGreen too now.

Normally things are pretty smooth and I can answer up to 600-700 questions in about 30 minutes if I'm lucky. The new stats have helped me see what I keep messing up on.
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Re: Sever intermittently stops responding to requests, Progress color resets to 'PaleGreen'

Post by Programmer »

Hi Youda, first of all, really sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have to confess I have had my eyes off the ball for the last couple of weeks and hadn't noticed your post. I have got in the habit of doing my tone testing using the desktop app which means I haven't be coming to the website, so apologies for that.

Can I ask, are you still getting these issues or did they sort themselves out? The reason I ask this is I did upload some updates to the website shortly before the date of your post, and then some more afterwards on the 11th. The website working properly relies on a correct co-ordination between the web page, the associated javascript, which is in a different file, and the web methods on the server. The kind of problems you are talking about are the kind of things I would expect to see if your browser had cached an older version of the javascript module and it was no longer able to communicate properly with the server. Also, I have just given the site a go myself and it seems to be working correctly, at least for me.

Thanks, and sorry again for the slow response. Please let me know if these issues are still happening.
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Re: Sever intermittently stops responding to requests, Progress color resets to 'PaleGreen'

Post by youda »

I've actually run into that issue now and then throughout the time I've been using your site. I've always assumed it must be traffic or throttling related because reloading or opening just the homepage again in another tab doesn't work. It has always sorted itself out but this time it was particularly bad so I thought I'd mention it to see if anyone else was running into it.

I thought the update and announcement on the 11th might have been addressed to me, particularly the part about making sure I wasn't using a cached copy of the javascript. For most of the time that I've used your site, I have been using stale versions of some PracticeScript.js functions that I patched with a userscript to avoid an issue and add some functionality. I was wondering for a couple months why the new stats weren't showing anything before I realized you had updated the client side stuff to collect the statistics. I hope I wasn't driving you nuts if you noticed that.

Mainly I would set "m_bOldBrowser = true" to avoid loading the "FileContents" that would otherwise be a part of the response to "LoadCompareData". My cache hit rate for the audio referenced in "LoadMoreQuestions" wasn't too bad either, so I probably saved a bit of bandwidth there too. I imagined that I might be avoiding a throttling/traffic issue by doing this but I didn't test enough without it to be sure. I do remember that it wasn't hard to outpace "LoadMoreQuestions" and run past the last question before the new ones have loaded.

I just saw your reply a few days ago and have been meaning to reply. I originally came back here to add that I've run into another issue.

"LoadMoreQuestions" eventually just returns an empty array. I can't even finish the review questions to log any practice. (I really like the review questions in the beginning though, I feel like I'm practicing much more efficiently when it trips me up with the ones that are hard for me.)

In any case, I'm glad I tried Character Mine because I found it does most of the things I tried adding with my userscript (showing the characters, definition, different text to speech voices) and things I thought of but were too hard for me to do like visualizing the sound.

Off topic, but I also liked the sentence mode, although I didn't use it as much because it was too hard for me at the time.
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Re: Sever intermittently stops responding to requests, Progress color resets to 'PaleGreen'

Post by Programmer »

Hi Youda and once again sorry for the delay in replying, which is even longer this time. I should start by saying kudos for "hacking" the site so inventively to get it to meet your needs!

I think i was calling LoadMoreQuestions when there were five more to go, it sounds like I need to maybe double this or more, which will obviously require loading more questions each time too.

The empty array is more worrying. Another user reported this a while back and at the time I thought I had fixed it for him and everyone (it was a bug in my code on the server). If you see this, could you let me know if the empty array problem went away by the next time you started a session or are you still getting it, thus rendering the website useless for you (which was the case with the previous user)?
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